Bike Shop (3)
Divvy Bike Location (4)
Bike Routes (5)
| Protected Bike Lane |
| Bike Lane |
| Bike Route |
| Off-Street Multi-Use Path |
NU Paths (6)
No Bikes (Ridge Ave S of Emerson) (7)
City Buildings (9)
| Civic Center |
| Service Center |
| Water Treatment Plant |
| Recreation Department |
| Fire Department |
| Police Department |
| Library |
| Animal Shelter |
Landmarks (10)
| Hospital |
| Lighthouse |
| Stadium |
| Water Tower |
Beach (11)
Park (12)
Parking Lot (14)
Street Parking (15)
| <Null>, <Null> |
| 2 Hour Resident Exempt, 2 Hour |
| 2 Hour Resident Exempt, 2 Hour Resident Exempt |
| 2 Hour Resident Exempt, <Null> |
| 2 Hour, 2 Hour |
| 2 Hour, 2 Hour Resident Exempt |
| 2 Hour, <Null> |
| <Null>, 2 Hour |
| <Null>, 2 Hour Resident Exempt |
| <Null>, Parking meters |
| <Null>, Pay-by-plate |
| <Null>, Resident Only |
| Parking meters, 2 Hour Resident Exempt |
| Parking meters, <Null> |
| Parking meters, Parking meters |
| Pay-by-plate, <Null> |
| Pay-by-plate, Pay-by-plate |
| Resident Only, 2 Hour Resident Exempt |
| Resident Only, <Null> |
| Resident Only, Resident Only |
| <all other values> |
Residential parking eligibility (16)
Sidewalk Edge (18)
Sidewalk Gap (19)
Street Width (20)
| 12.0 - 25.0 |
| 25.1 - 31.1 |
| 31.2 - 38.0 |
| 38.1 - 47.1 |
| 47.2 - 90.0 |
Alley Centerline (21)
Bridges (23)
| Posted Height (2" less than actual) |
| Actual Height |
| IDOT Posted Height |
Signal Intersection (24)
Oneway Street (25)
Cul-de-sac (26)
Speed Hump (27)
Traffic Circle (28)
IDOT Street (29)
Truck Routes (30)
| Truck Route |
| Truck Prohibited |
Metra Station (32)
CTA Station (33)
PACE Bus Route (34)
CTA Bus Route (35)
Chicago Transit Authority Train Lines (36)
| Purple Line |
| Yellow Line |
Metra Train (37)
Zoning Boundaries & Labels (67)
Zoning Overlay Districts (66)
| oCSC - Central Street Corridor |
| oDM - Dempster-Main Overlay |
| oH - Hospital Overlay |
| oRD - Redevelopment Overlay |
| oWE- West Evanston Overlay |
Zoning Districts (47)
| B1 - Business |
| B1a - Business |
| B2 - Business |
| B3 - Business |
| C1 - Commercial |
| C1a - Commercial Mixed-Use |
| C2 - Commercial |
| D1 - Downtown Fringe |
| D2 - Downtown Retail Core |
| D3 - Downtown Core Development |
| D4 - Downtown Transition |
| I1 - Industrial / Office |
| I2 - General Industrial |
| I3 - General Industrial |
| MUE - Transitional Manufacturing-Employment |
| MXE - Mixed Use Employment |
| O1 - Office |
| OS - Open Space |
| R1 - Single-Family Residential |
| R2 - Single-Family Residential |
| R3 - Two-Family Residential |
| R4 - General Residential |
| R4a - General Residential |
| R5 - General Residential |
| R6 - General Residential |
| RP - Research Park |
| T1 - Transitional Campus |
| T2 - Transitional Campus |
| U1 - University Housing |
| U1a - University Housing and Parking |
| U2 - University Athletic Facilities |
| U3 - University Lakefront Campus |
| WE1 - West Evanston Transitional |
Total population (2020 Census) (55)
| 670 - 926 |
| 927 - 1212 |
| 1213 - 1536 |
| 1537 - 1943 |
| 1944 - 2547 |
Pre-1960 housing units (51)
| 12.4% - 27.4% |
| 27.5% - 60.6% |
| 60.7% - 77.5% |
| 77.6% - 85.9% |
| 86% - 94.1% |
Unemployed workers (58)
| 0% - 1.3% |
| 1.4% - 4.2% |
| 4.3% - 8.1% |
| 8.2% - 16.4% |
| 16.5% - 33.6% |
People of color (59)
| 1.0% - 15.6% |
| 15.7% - 28.6% |
| 28.7% - 41.3% |
| 41.4% - 66.8% |
| 66.9% - 96.7% |
Low income (60)
| 0.0% - 6.2% |
| 6.3% - 12.6% |
| 12.7% - 24.6% |
| 24.7% - 40.7% |
| 40.8% - 68.4% |
Less than high school education (61)
| 0.0% - 1.2% |
| 1.3% - 4.6% |
| 4.7% - 10.5% |
| 10.6% - 18.5% |
| 18.6% - 31.6% |
Linguistically isolated (62)
| 0.0% |
| 0.1% - 2.3% |
| 2.4% - 5.2% |
| 5.3% - 9.3% |
| 9.3% - 16.8% |
Under age 5 (63)
| 0.0% - 1.9% |
| 2.0% - 4.9% |
| 5.0% - 8.2% |
| 8.3% - 13.0% |
| 13.1% - 25.0% |
Over age 64 (64)
| 0.0% - 7.0% |
| 7.1% - 13.6% |
| 13.7% - 20.3% |
| 20.4% - 29.4% |
| 29.5% - 46.0% |
Traffic proximity (national percentile) (68)
| 25.0% - 45.0% |
| 45.1% - 63.0% |
| 63.1% - 72.0% |
| 72.1% - 78.0% |
| 78.1% - 86.0% |
Hazardous waste proximity (national percentile) (69)
| 81.0% - 83.0% |
| 83.1% - 86.0% |
| 86.1% - 88.0% |
| 88.1% - 91.0% |
| 91.1% - 94.0% |
Low life expectancy (national percentile) (65)
| 0% - 8% |
| 9% - 28% |
| 29% - 33% |
| 34% - 48% |
| 49% - 77% |
Particulate Matter 2.5 (national percentile) (43)
Asthma (Crude Prevalence) (44)
| 7.6% - 8.1% |
| 8.2% - 8.7% |
| 8.8% - 9.5% |
| 9.6% - 10% |
| 10.1% - 11.7% |
Diabetes (Crude Prevalence) (48)
| 2.1% |
| 2.2% - 6.6% |
| 6.7% - 8.8% |
| 8.9% - 10.9% |
| 11% - 14.7% |
Heart Disease (Crude Prevalence) (50)
| 1.4% |
| 1.5% - 3.7% |
| 3.8% - 4.4% |
| 4.5% - 5.1% |
| 5.2% - 6.2% |
Cancer (Crude Prevalence) (45)
| 1.4% |
| 1.5% - 5% |
| 5.1% - 5.7% |
| 5.8% - 6.6% |
| 6.7% - 10.5% |
Expected building loss rate (national percentile) (49)
| 26% |
| 27% |
| 28% |
| 29% - 37% |
| 38% - 39% |
Energy burden (national percentile) (52)
| 0% - 1% |
| 2% - 4% |
| 5% - 10% |
| 11% - 15% |
| 16% - 44% |
Housing burden (national percentile) (54)
| 18% - 27% |
| 28% - 49% |
| 50% - 66% |
| 67% - 75% |
| 76% - 92% |
Wastewater discharge (national percentile) (56)
| 84% - 87% |
| 88% - 92% |
| 93% - 95% |
Underground storage tanks (national percentile) (70)
| 0% - 1% |
| 2% - 1% |
| 2% - 1% |
| 2% - 1% |
| 2% - 1% |
EJScreen Block Groups (39)
CDC PLACES Tracts (40)
Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool Tracts (46)